Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

Welcome to NoDS's privacy statement. We are devoted to preserving your privacy and personal information. This privacy statement describes how we handle your personal information when you visit our website or use our services, as well as your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

It is crucial that you read this privacy policy and any additional privacy policies or fair processing policies that we may give on certain occasions when we collect or process personal data about you, so that you are informed of how and why we handle your data.

A Data Privacy Officer has been designated to supervise all things pertaining to this privacy policy. Contact the Data Privacy Officer at if you have any queries regarding this privacy statement, including any requests to exercise your legal rights.

We periodically examine our privacy policy and have the right to modify it without prior notice. If we make major changes to how we use or distribute personal data already acquired from you via the website and services, you will be notified via the website and services, email, or other means of communication. It is crucial that the personal data we possess on you is correct and updated. Please keep us updated if your personal information changes throughout the course of our collaboration.


We appreciate your use of our website and services! Similar to you, we value personal integrity and take your privacy very seriously. This policy applies to any individual who provides personal information with NoDS, whether directly or indirectly, by visiting our websites or utilising our services.

In this privacy statement, we describe the categories of personal data that may be collected and the motives for doing so. In addition, we describe the options available to you in connection to our processing, as well as how you may learn more about our processing and your rights.


Personal data refers to information that identifies an individual. We may process the following categories of your personal information: Your contact information, including your complete name, email address, and organisation

For example, whenever you log in to our service or visit our websites, we collect user information. This information may include IP address, device type and browser, time zone, geographic location, as well as your interests and preferences information on how you engage with our services, such as which features are utilised and which buttons are pressed.


We process your personal information in order to deliver our services in compliance with the applicable agreements, to run our business relationship with you and the NoDS client, and to develop and enhance our services.

We may utilise your identification, engagement, profile, technical data, use data, and special categories of data to make choices regarding positions or services that may be of interest or suitability to you, as well as to post relevant material on our website or email it to you. If you have requested information or purchased services from us without opting out of receiving marketing messages, you may also get marketing emails from us.

We will only use your personal information for the reasons for which it was acquired, unless we have a good faith belief that we need to use it for another reason that is compatible with the original purpose. Please contact us if you would want an explanation of how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose. If we intend to use your personal information for a purpose unrelated to the original purpose, we will notify you and explain the legal basis for doing so. Please note that, if needed or authorised by law, we may treat your personal information without your knowledge or consent, according to the aforementioned guidelines.


This website may include connections to the websites, plug-ins, and apps of third parties. If you click on these links or enable these connections, third parties may be able to gather or share information about you. These third-party websites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies.

We advise you to read the privacy policies of any website you visit after leaving our site. For the avoidance of doubt, we will not share personal data with third parties in a way that allows such third parties to use personal data for direct marketing purposes in regard to you as an individual, but only in reference to you as a representative of a current or prospective NoDS client.

As previously mentioned, this Privacy Statement does not apply to any data processing for which you may be accountable as a result of using our services. You, or the party you represent, are always accountable for processing personal information in line with relevant legislation.


We have implemented necessary security measures to protect your personal information from being lost, misused, accessed in an unauthorised manner, modified, or exposed. Moreover, we restrict access to your personal information to employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties with a business need to know. They will only process your personal information per our instructions and are bound by a confidentiality obligation.

We have internal protocols to deal with any suspected breach of personal data, and we will notify you and any applicable authority as required by law.


It is our responsibility to process accurate, pertinent, and required personal data in consideration of our legitimate interests. You are permitted to regulate us. Contact us at if you wish to update the personal information we maintain on you.